Katharina Kohl
Personal-Befragung / Blickraum Innere Sicherheit
Questioning of the Personnel / Inner Security’s Space
February 9th – April 21st 2018
exhibition view at galerie postel, February 2018
Working on the portrait series „Questioning the Personnel“ took Katharina Kohl five years. Forty portraits were included in the series – far more painted – all of people employed by the German state who were involved in the investigations into the murders committed by a Nazi terror group known as the NSU (Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund). The result is a complex analysis of different characters, structures of networks and institutions installed to support the democracy.
In addition to the presentation of the series in an archive-like installation further works relating to the same context or to Kohl’s portrait practice will be on show.
Katharina Kohl, from the series „Personal-Befragung“ („Questioning the Personnel“): Hans-Georg Engelke, 2017, Felix Schwarz, 2013, Helmut Roewer, 2012