Judith Kisner

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Judith Kisner (*1983 Hulst, Niederlande) studied at the ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Arnhem, from 2004 until 2008 and entered the class of Professor Tl R at the art academy Düsseldorf in 2011. In 2015 she changed for the academy of fine arts in Hamburg (HfBK) where she obtained her Master of Fine Arts with Professor Jutta Koether in 2019. Kisner lives and works in Hamburg.

grants and awards

2020 grant of fine arts at Trittauer Wassermühle by Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Stormarn
StART.up, granted by Claussen-Simon-Stiftung
Freiräume, studio award by Schaumburger Landschaft
2019 Deutschlandstipendium, Förderpreis für bildende Kunst
2018 travel award from the academy of fine arts Hamburg
2017 »Best Conceptual Work« on the occasion of the exhibition Art Letter Home Hangzhou
2009 Starter award Fonds BKVB Amsterdam


2021 Oh my Goddess Verdandi, Wasserburg Sachsenhagen, on the occasion of the Schaumburger Landschaft’s studio award »Freiräume«.
2020 Mocha Dick, c/o Schocke, Hamburg
2019 No Time Sry, Exams exhibition, Academy of Fine Arts, Hamburg
2018 Schlangen/Ritual, Golden Pudel Club, Hamburg
2017 Gink Sea, gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts, Hamburg
The Ghost of the Rose, Tonenton Gallery, Copenhagen
2014 You can’t restart anytime you want, IHK Galerie, Siegen
2011 Solo Show, Kunsthandel Rueb, Amsterdam

Selected Group Exhibitions

2021 Glück & Streben, Trittau, anlässlich des Tags der Künstlerhäuser des Netzwerkes der Künstlerhäuser in Norddeutschland
Get Together, Atelierhaus Trittau
2020 Mensbeeld, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
Corporate Bodies, Pragovka Gallerie, Prag
Ampersands, W139, Amsterdam
2019 Art Letter Home #4, Suzhou Art Museum
Art Letter Home #3, Shenyang Lu Xun Academy of Arts
2018 Constructed Realities, OK.Terrain, Hamburg
Massephase, Sprink Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf
Art Letter Home #2, Sichuan Institute of Fine Arts, Sichuan
2017 Art Letter Home, Artist Manuscript Exhibition, Institutes of Fine Art, Hangzhou
Soft Skills, Benzene, Hamburg
Forgotten to talk, W139 Amsterdam
Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose—Von Wiederholung zu Wiederholung, Gängeviertel, Hamburg
2016 Curatorial Tongues, Tonenton, Copenhagen
If only i was more like you, Coen Vunderink / Judith Kisner, Raum Links-Rechts im Gängeviertel Hamburg
2015 Das Auge der Katze, Elektrohaus, Hamburg
Not Now, Pulse #2, curated by Jaap Kroneman, Arnheim
2014 You’re just to good to be true, Contemporary Fine Arts Gallery, Berlin
Kick-Start, W139, Amsterdam
Wünsch dir Was, exhibition and auction on the occasion of 25 years of wünschdirwas e.V., Düsseldorf
There is no I, W139 Amsterdam

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